Welcome to bsedata’s documentation!¶ Python library for extracting real-time data from Bombay Stock Exchange (India) Contents: Introduction Features Roadmap Dependencies Usage Installing with pip Instantiation Getting a stock quote Getting top gainers Getting top losers Getting indices Updating list of scrip codes Verifying a scrip code Getting all listed companies and their scrip codes Change Log v0.6.0 v0.5.4 v0.5.3 v0.5.2 v0.5.1 v0.5.0 v0.4.0 v0.3.1 v0.3.0 v0.2.0 v0.1.0 API Reference BSE BSE.getBhavCopyData() BSE.getIndices() BSE.getQuote() BSE.getScripCodes() BSE.topGainers() BSE.topLosers() BSE.updateScripCodes() BSE.verifyScripCode() InvalidStockException BhavCopyNotFound